
Bethwel Ogot: A Tribute to a Sage

Prof. Bethwell A. Ogot has now rested. He gave the world so much and asked nothing in return. He was a historian who became an archive of history.

Ngugi’s search for answers expressed in his debut novel

Ngugi started writing at a time of change and transformation, and more importantly, when no one seemed to know what that change meant. It is precisely this anxiety that seems to powerfully drive his early work.



Imaginative writer, educator of decolonization, fearless activist”, Ndirangu Wachanga, Ngugi’s authorized documentary biographer, offers personal anecdotes and insights into the power of the Kenyan writer’s work.

Ngugi’s novels are a tale of his life over the years

Ngugi’s books are an insight into the hope that gave way to disillusion as African states became independent and failed to live up to expectations

Chakava: Selfless custodian of our national conscience

By connecting us to the history of education and publishing, he serves as a continental legend and a national icon. By being a gatekeeper in a social and intellectual laboratory, Chakava serves as a custodian of our national conscience, inoculating the nation against the unholy trinity of ignorance, poverty and disease.

Guru once dreamt of becoming a taxi driver

This curiosity started at an early age when his childhood dream was to become a taxi driver so that he could travel and meet different people from different places and different cultures.

Intellectuals lost their way, and the nation is bleeding

Prof Ali Mazrui, foremost scholar reknown in fields of History and Economics globally. Prof Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Mazrui are examples of the best brains Africa has lost to the West. The current intellectuals will have to guide Kenya in formulating policies on how to build on existing successes. 

Mazrui at 80

He is a celebrated thinker, a gifted writer and debater, but Wole Soyinka and Taban lo Liyong have no time for him. Is East Africa’s top political scientist a victim of peer envy or a master of conceit as some critics claim?